Developments close to the market
At the beginning of the development are the requirements of the market. At J. Schneider Elektrotechnik the departments key account management and development work close together. They build a competent team of sales engineers, of hardware and software developers, electronic engineers and skilled workers. These specialists observe the market, the clients’ needs and the scientific developments to identify the most important trends in high voltage and vacuum processes. This enables us to develop the most sophisticated high voltage power supplies that the global market needs for its future applications.
Just one single source from development to service
Development, production, distribution and service all come from J. Schneider Elektrotechnik GmbH. Therefore you
can rely on a close teamwork in each stage of the lifecycle. Further developments are made close to the market
requirements, customer specified modifications are realized in close cooperation between sales and development
department. Very good product knowledge guarantees an optimized service and maintenance.
Highest quality Made in Germany
We develop and produce our highvoltage and Plasma power supplies in our plant in Germany. Before delivery each of these power supplies undergoes a final device trest and a burn-in test at 40° C ambient temperature under full load. Each device has a unique serial number, which ensures traceability over the entire life cycle of the product.

Our highlights
Patented Arc limitation for safer and smooth processes
Arcs, which occur when the voltage rises, disrupt the processes and can damage the layer. To avoid these arcs, we have developed and patented a special arc current limitation. Once an adjustable current threshold is reached, the current is limited to this value. This prevents current peaks and arcs that lead to problems in the coating process.
CFC Circuit Topology
At J. Schneider Elektrotechnik the departments key account management and development work close together.
They build a competent team of sales engineers, of hardware and software developers, electronic engineers
and skilled workers. These specialists observe the market, the clients’ needs and the scientific developments
to identify the most important trends in high voltage and vacuum processes. This enables us to develop the most
sophisticated high voltage power supplies that the global market needs for its future applications.

The advantages of the patented arc limitation
- Prolonged life of filament in electronic beam guns
- Processes, such as coating, run more smoothly as arcs are suppressed, instantly
- Almost complete elimination of the contamination of deposited films which normally arises fromthe extremely high currents associated with arcs
- Higher stoichiometry
- Enhanced equipment reliability
- Due to the very small current fluctuations (di/dt), there are fewer breakdowns. This leads to cost savings on such items as cables, filters and surge-voltage protection devices.
- The arc current limiter can be configured to meet your specific requirements. Versions for continuous current levels up to 10 A or voltages of up to 150 kV are already provided. gbar.